Sunday, February 5, 2017

Five Best Streaming Set-Top Boxes

NOW TV. You can compare our NOW TV Box & Smart Box to see which one is right for you. Stream your favourite Movies, TV, Sports & Kids entertainment to your TV.
“This TV Box runs very fast, I can watch live shows without any freeze or delay. The best part for me is that it has REAL 4K resolution. The picture is so clear that I can see everything vivid. Love it.”
“Item was easy to setup, ready to go on additional downloads, and runs just like standard droid items! **side note, if you want to use Amazon Prime on this, you have to adjust your security settings to download and install from unknown location, download and install amazon underground, THEN download Amazon Video for Prime access. That hassle is on Amazon though** would totally buy this again over a roku!”
T96 Pro TV Box Android 6.0 Marshmallow Amlogic S912 Octa Core

T96 pro smart tv box with a newest and open platform Android 6.0 Marshmallow, pre-installed with a media center software that enables you to play all your video and audio files on your TV . No more watching them on a small PC screen.
“For the price of this box, I was almost hesitant on ordering it, but when I received it and plugged it in I knew this was going to be a great product. The price for what you get is less than what is packed into this awesome Android TV Box. The thing that really got me into this product is the user-friendly interface. I’m so used to the Apple TV that it would be hard for me to swap from AppleTV OS to Android OS, and this was a breeze to learn!”
“The box can connect with internet wirelessly or via Ethernet and has Android version 6.0 (Marshmallow), with 2G Ram/16G storage. You will be amazed of all the things you can do with this TV box. It will blow your mind if you never had one, I love mine and have one on every TV in my home.”

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